- Log In.
- Go to https://assessor.ei1.com/ and type in your login information.
- Click on “Select Employees for Respirator Medical Clearance”
- Search for the employees who are required to wear a respirator or select “ADD NEW +” to add a new employee to the database.
- Once you have the right employee click “ADD TO LIST >>” on the right hand side of their name.
- Click “Proceed to Step 2 >>” at the bottom of the Employee List box.
- This section is used to assign the employee a Respirator Profile and input a way for you to notify the employees.
- Click “Generate Notifications >>” when you are done.
- Once clicked the employee will receive a document with an Authorization Code and a Website.
- Depending on what selected method you, the examiner, chose for the employee to receive this information.
- A printable notification form will be generated if you selected Print and you can print this form out in the top left corner of the document that is generated.
- Proceed to “Enter Questionnaire Mode”. This will take you to the website in the printable document http://www.resptest.com
- Using the Authorization code from the printable document, enter it into the “I have an authorization code” field and click submit.
- You will also need to put in the employees last name as well and click submit.
- This questionnaire needs to be submitted and once done will go to a Physician and thus completes the medical clearance.
- Using the Authorization code from the printable document, enter it into the “I have an authorization code” field and click submit.
- Now navigate back to the main menu and this time click Fit Testing
- Follow Step 3 to add employees that will be doing the Fit Testing.
- From here select “Enter Record” to being the testing.
- A pop up will appear on the screen, please follow the figure below for in depth explanations of the different input fields.
- Plant: This field should display their Operating Facility.
- Department: This field should display the department the employee works in within the facility.
- Height: input the height of the employee.
- Weight: Input the weight of the employee.
- BP 1/2/3: Input their Blood Pressure (BP) for the first, second, and third blood pressure test.
- Disabled: Input their disability
- Click “new” if the drop-down list does not have their disability.
- Job: This field should display the occupation for the employee.
- Shift: This field should display the time frame at which the employee conduct work.
- Supervisor: This field should display the supervisor for this employee.
- Check this box if the employee has been medically cleared prior to the exam.
- Related Clearance: select from the drop-down menu any clearances the employee has that could be related to the Fit Test.
- Respirator Type: From the drop-down menu choose the type of respirator the employee will be wearing most often.
- Manufacturer: Enter the name of the manufacturer for the chosen respirator.
- Respirator Model: Enter the model for the chosen respirator.
- Respirator Size: From the drop-down menu choose the size of the respirator that is going to be used by the employee.
- Conditions Which Could Affect Respirator Fit: Check any boxes that apply to the employee’s physical appearance, as each of them could affect the Fit Test going forward.
- Comments: Use this comments section to name any physical features you, the examiner, noticed that could not be attributed to any of the above check boxes.
- Fit Checks: This is where you record the results of the Fit Checks for both Positive and Negative Fit Checks.
- Fit Tests: This is the input field where you, the examiner, will test for the varying degrees of respirator tests.
- The options for these various tests will be pass/fail, with a “squeezes” check box for Saccharin and Bitrex to indicate if they squeezed during the examination.
- Comments: This comments section is to be used to notate any irregularities or comments you, the examiner, think is important to include in the report for the Fit Tests.
- Examiner: should be yourself, or whoever will be conducting this Fit Test.
- Fit Test Date: The date at which the testing is taking place.
- A pop up will appear on the screen, please follow the figure below for in depth explanations of the different input fields.
- Once the data has propagated on the previous screen, click “Submit Fit Test”.
- This should present to you the form that you should give to the employee.
- There is an option to print out the form in the top right.
- After the form is available select the “I’m Finished” button.
You have successfully administered a Fit Test!