Overview of the AudioAssessor© Test Management Solution
AudioAssessor© is a web-based audiometric test-data management system that stores, analyzes and provides comprehensive reporting on hearing test data. AudioAssessor© provides a client the ability to submit baseline, annual or retest audiometric tests for audiologist review. Data may be entered either automatically from microprocessor audiometers to reduce manual system administration or entered manually by keying test data into the program. Test data is submitted real-time to EI servers and data is then reviewed by our staff of licensed occupational audiologists. Individual Employee Notification Forms are generated instantaneously, as well as various group review reports, and are available for immediate printing at the time of test. AudioAssessor© has the ability to adjust each test appropriately for age correction and these values are exhibited on each notification letter. Individuals with Standard Threshold Shifts may be highlighted, as well as employees identified for referral or further review. Audiologist telephone consultation (at no additional charge) is available and encouraged for assistance with questionable results or recommendations. EI may also process past audiometric tests (if any exist) to establish a complete, accurate employee database. Backloaded data are used to compare test results from year to year and are imported in electronic format to facilitate continuity of existing data.
Because AudioAssessor© is an entirely Internet based system, audiometric test-data is readily accessible anywhere there is an Internet connection. Online submittal of test-data reduces the cost and time associated with professional review of audiograms. Additionally, data storage on EI’s state of the art, secure servers helps to eliminate client responsibility for data management.
Signing on to Your AudioAssessor© Account
Initial Access of Your Account
- Access the AudioAssessor© website by typing one of the web addresses below into your URL bar: http://assessor.ei1.com or www.AudioAssessor.com
- Click located in the left-hand menu bar.
3. Enter your username and password then select
Confirming Company Settings
- To confirm your facility settings and reset your password, click on “Company Settings” under the main task bar Note: If you are not the primary login for your facility’s account, “Company Settings” will not appear.
- Check to confirm that your Name, Email, Password, Address, City, State and Zip are set correctly and click “Update” button to save any changes.
- To return to your facility’s homepage (example seen above) click on “main menu” in the left hand column.
Adding Examiners
- To add a new examiner to the Examiner List, click on “Examiners” on your facility’s homepage. Once you are directed to the “Examiner Administration” page, click on “Add New.”
- To add a new examiner, enter First name, Last Name, Email Address and Password that you selected when you confirmed your company settings.
- Once you have completed the applicable fields, click “Add Examiner”. To continue adding additional examiners, click “Add New” once again. To return to your facility’s homepage, click on "cancel" then "Main menu" on the left hand column.
Adding Audiometers
For sites using mobile services, this part will be taken care of automatically when the technician transfers the test data to the EI’s system. If you use a clinic for hearing tests and the make or model of the clinic are not in the list, you need to add the clinic’s audiometer(s) to the Audiometer List if it does not exist already.
To add a new audiometer, simply click on “Audiometers” under “AudioAssessor” on your facility’s homepage. Once there, you are directed to the “Equipment Management” page, click on “”
Enter the Make & Model, the Serial Number and select the “Type.”
Entering Audiometric Test Results
- To begin entering audiometric test results, click on the word “Administer Audiometric Test” near the top of your facility’s homepage. This will direct you to the “Daily Audiometer Calibration” page seen below.
- Once clicked it will display a pop up called Daily Audiometer Calibration.
- Select “no” for each question if you have checked your Audiometer and there is nothing wrong with the machine.
- Select an Employee.
- Enter the name of the employee that is about to receive the audiogram.
- Use the search bar if this is an annual exam.
- That means the employee is already in Audio Assessor’s records
- “Add New +” if this will be a baseline exam (first time exam)
- Use the search bar if this is an annual exam.
- Enter the name of the employee that is about to receive the audiogram.
- Fill out the Questionnaire.
- Have the employee answer the entire questionnaire.
- You have the option to “skip questionnaire” in the upper right corner. This will autofill “NO” for each answer.
- Once you complete step 2, you will be directed to the “Step 3” page seen on the next page. Confirm that the information listed is correct, including:
1. Employee Name 2. DOB 3. SSN (not necessary) 4. Examiner 5. Exam Type 6. DOB 7. Test Date 8. Audiometer 9. Hearing Protection |
10. Noise Level (TWA) 11. Exam Schedule 12. Plant 13. Section (not necessary) 14. Job 15. Supervisor 16. Work Shift 17. HLPP Enrollment 18. Training Administered? |
- After checking personal information, begin entering audiometric test results for both ears and once completed, click “Submit Test”. A Notification Report (NR) will appear on your screen and will be available for printing immediately or retrieval on the Employee’s History page. Clicking “Submit Test” automatically sends the test data to an EI Certified Audiologist for review and referral.
- Note: If the NR does not appear on your screen once you have clicked “Submit Test,” it is being blocked by a “pop-up blocker.” Either turn your pop-up blocker off or contact an IT administrator for help allowing pop-ups on the AudioAssessor©
Standard Reporting
- AudioAssessor© provides reports including employee audiometric data summaries, standard threshold shift (STS) reporting, possibly recordable STS reporting, and Employee STS Follow up Summary. AudioAssessor©’s custom reporting module allows users to filter reports through a number of variables, including: test date, plant, department, shift, supervisor and sex. To begin, click on the “Reports” under “Other Options” near the bottom of your facility’s homepage.
- If you get a message noting “your report will pop up in a minute, please wait” for longer than 10 seconds, you may want to check if your pop-up blocker is active. If so, please turn it off to get a report. To print, click a printer icon on the top left corner.